Datasets from the newspapers 1885-1894 (.csv)

These are Comma Separated Value files which can be opened in spreadsheet form (e.g. Microsoft Excel). All data was hand recorded from archived newspaper articles.

DOWNLOAD Whitechapel Data 1885 (.csv)

DOWNLOAD Whitechapel Data 1886 (.csv)

DOWNLOAD Whitechapel Data 1887 (.csv)

DOWNLOAD Whitechapel Data 1888 (.csv)

DOWNLOAD Whitechapel Data 1889 (.csv)

DOWNLOAD Whitechapel Data 1890 (.csv)

DOWNLOAD Whitechapel Data 1891 (.csv)

DOWNLOAD Whitechapel Data 1892 (.csv)

DOWNLOAD Whitechapel Data 1893 (.csv)

DOWNLOAD Whitechapel Data 1894 (.csv)

Spatial Datasets (Shapefiles)

You can download digitized (vector) shapefiles of the roads, buildings, and overpasses of the Whitechapel area here.
These files can be viewed online on the interactive map under the Utility Shapefiles area of the legend

DOWNLOAD Whitechapel (1894-96) Roads Shapefile (.zip)

DOWNLOAD Whitechapel (1894-96) Buildings Shapefile (.zip)

DOWNLOAD Whitechapel (1894-96) Overpasses Shapefile (.zip)

Newspaper Data

This is an Excel spreadsheet with information about the run, political biases, and other pertinent information about the newspapers used in this project.

DOWNLOAD Information about Newspapers (.xlsx)

Medical and Government Data (PDF)

These are charts compiled from government and medical records at the time. This information was once planned to be overlaid onto the main map. However, the type of information was so varied, and the scope so disparate, it could not be accommodated. However, for those interested in the information, it can be downloaded here.